UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Auteur : Elixabete Sáenz Arrizubieta

Faculty of Education, Filosofy and Antropology,
Avenue Tolosa, 70,
E–20018 San Sebastian
Avenue Tolosa, 70,
E–20018 San Sebastian
Elixabete Sáenz Arrizubieta is Interim Professor of Intervention Planning and Education for Sustainable Development in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She has participated in different research projects on education with researchers from other national and international universities. Her lines of research focus on digital anomie from a socio-educational perspective, the perception of risk in social networks and inappropriate uses of the Internet, paying special attention to its impact and management on families and vulnerable groups. A second line is aimed at the practical training of the Social Education degree.
- Luzarraga Martín, J. M., Cruz Iglesias, E., and Sáenz Arrizubieta, E. (2024). The University Entrance Examination as a conditioning factor in the orientation of the Baccalaureate. Contextos Educativos. Revista de Educación, (33), 261-283.
- Sáenz E. (2023). “Social educators regarding the use of digital media by vulnerable minors, a case study.” VIII International Congress of Inclusive Education and Technology. Tunja May 10, 2023.
- Luzarraga J.M., Sáenz E. and Arocena I. (2023). “Proposal to improve the Social Education Practicum. Bringing theory and practice closer.” III International Congress of Innovation in Teaching and Research in the Social and Legal Sciences. The university: from the challenge of transfer to the transformation of society. Held virtually on the inndoc.org platform on June 8 and 9, 2023.
- Sáenz E. (2022) Analysis of Digital Anomie in minors cared for by the Child and Adolescent Protection Service of Guipúzcoa. [Doctoral thesis, University of the Basque Country]. Teaching research digital archive (ADDI) http://hdl.handle.net/10810/58537
- Sáenz, E., Altuna, J. and Lareki, A. (2021). Barriers to the digital inclusion of adolescents at risk of exclusion. In N. Idoiaga, M. Dosil, O. Leonet and M. Belasko (Eds). Let’s talk about inclusion! Good communicative practices in education (pp.135-145). Ed. Graó.
- Sáenz E., Altuna, J. and Lareki A. (2021). Influence of the age of social educators on their concern about the use of digital media by minors at risk. In A.García-Valcarcel and S. Casillas (Eds.) New horizons for sustainable digitalization in education (pp.143-149). Ed. Dykinson.
vulnerable families, digital mediation, social education
El uso de los medios digitales por niños, niñas y adolescentes ocupa la mayor parte de su tiempo libre. Desde el momento que se levantan hasta que se acuestan, a excepción del horario escolar, realizan un uso constante de los medios digitales.