UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Auteur : Israel Alonso Sáez

Facultad de Educación de Bilbao,
Barrio Sarriena s/n,
E–48940 Leioa

Dr. Israel Alonso Sáez holds the PhD in Pedagogy (with honour), degrees in Social Education and Pedagogy and one master’s degree (Special Education). Since 2011 he works in the Department of Didactics and School Organization in the Degree in Social Education and Teaching. Previously, he has worked as an Educator in the intervention and coordination of social projects with excluded people. He has participated in several teaching innovation projects related to interdisciplinary learning and tutorial action. And also in twon R + D + I projects of the MINECO and two Erasmus research projects related with youth and child inclusion being co-principal investigator. He is member of “KideOn” Research Group of the Basque Government (Ref.: IT1342-19 / “A” category). He has also worked as a visiting professor at the Universities of Italy, French, Ecuador and Chile.



  • Berasategi, N., Roman, G., Alonso, & I. Idoiaga, N,, (2022). Leisure as a space for inclusion and the improvement of life satisfaction of immigrants . Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-021-00917-y
  • Alonso-Sáez, I., Darretxe, L., & Beloki, N. (2019). Hacia una Identidad y Cultura Académica Colaborativa: Los Equipos Docentes como Innovación en los Grados Universitarios. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.27.4077
  • Berasategi, N., Alonso, I.,  y Roman, G. (2016) Service-learning and higher education: evaluating students learning process form their own percpective. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 228, 424 – 429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.07.065
  • Arandia, M., Alonso, I., y Cabo, A. (2016) The Professional and the Academic World Learning Together in Higher Education. Opción, 32(7), 118-137 https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/21464


social education, socio-educational action, community action, educational innovation in higher education, academic professional identity, social work, social exclusion, social work, social exclusion

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