UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Auteur : Miroslav Popelka

Institute of Archaeological Heritage Brno,
Department of archaeological research
Czech Republic

nuage de mots Popelka


 2001–2005      Střední průmyslová škola a Střední odborné učiliště, Prostějov, field of study: electrical engineering – computer systems (secondary school and vocational school)

2004                EU-funded Leonardo da Vinci   student programme in Sweden

2005–2006      Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc, field of study: IT

2006–2013      Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, field of study: archaeology (Mgr. degree)

Employment to date

2013                Museum of the Prostějov Region – curator of archaeological collections

since 2014      Institute for Archaeological Heritage Brno, Eastern Moravian borough in Hulín – archaeologist, head of bureau

project leader in rescue excavation projects

Individual projects and research projects

2011                active participation in project funded by the Olomouc Region entitled “Preventive archaeology”

2011–2014      cooperation and involvement in projects: Mikulčice – study of settlement agglomeration in the catchment area of Slavic hillfort and Mušov – field monitoring of short-term Roman camps, both managed by the Department of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno; Gars am Thunau – study of Slavic and La Tene settlement under the auspices of Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität Wien. 

since 2016      Holešov – research project focused on the new synagogue; Němčice nad Hanou, Staré Hradisko – systematic metal detector prospection and field survey
Le vaste centre de commerce et de production de Němčice (distr. Prostějov, République Tchèque) est l’un les sites les plus importants de l’époque de La Tène en Europe centrale. Le site, classé monument historique en 2009, se trouve approximativement au centre de la Moravie, dans la plaine fertile de Haná, dans l’emprise cadastrale des communes de Němčice nad Hanou et de Víceměřic
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