UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Auteur : Vinicius Marino Carvalho
Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IFCH-UNICAMP),
Rua Cora Coralina 100,
Campinas, SP,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IFCH-UNICAMP),
Rua Cora Coralina 100,
Campinas, SP,
Vinicius Marino Carvalho is a post-doctoral researcher at Universidade Estadual de Campinas and a member of LEME (Laboratório de Estudos Medievais), ARISE (Arqueologia Interativa e Simulações Eletrônicas), EPIFAME (Épidémies et famines en Méditerranée Occidentale), and CEDA (Centro de Estudos sobre Diversidade Antiga). His research interests include the history of 13th and 14th centuries Ireland, the history of environmental and economic crises, and uses of computational methods in historical research, with a particular focus on historical videogames and simulations.
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2024): Towards a Reconciliation Between Simulational, Ludic, and Historiographical Practices in Research. Simulation and Gaming 0 (Ahead of Print): https://doi.org/10.1177/10468781241248705
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2023): The Impact of Economic Degradation on the Uí Bhriain Civil War (1276-1318): An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Social Science Computer Review 42(2) : 574-593 :https://doi.org/10.1177/08944393231194983
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2023): Jogos medievais, angústias modernas: um balanço do projeto `The Middle Ages in Modern Games. In : Ribeiro, F. A., Carvalho, L. D. De. (eds), Videogames e Jogos Eletrônicos : Caminhos Teóricos e Temáticos para a História. São Luís : Editora da UFMA
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2022) : The Triumphs of Turlough : Rulebook. São Paulo : Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia.
- Marino Carvalho, V., Pina, A.V. (2022) : Os Triunfos de Tarlac : Guia Didático. São Paulo : Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia.
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2021) : The medieval routeways of Thomond in the time of the Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh. In : McInerney, L., Simms, K. (eds), Gaelic Ireland (c.600–c.1700), Lordship, saints and learning. Essays for the Irish Chiefs’ and Clans’ Prize in History. Dublin : Wordwell : 126-136
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2018) : Modeling crises in agent-based environments: the case of the Lordship of Ireland (1189-1318). In : Cândido da Silva, M., Wilkin, A., Jaumain, S., Almeida, N. de B., Louault, F. (eds), Crises : Uma Perspectiva Multidisciplinar. São Paulo : Intermeios :127-153
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2017) : Videogames as Tools for Social Science History. The Historian, (79) : 794-819 : https://doi.org/10.1111/hisn.12674
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2015) : History and Human Agency in Videogames. Gamevironments (5) : 104-131 : https://doi.org/10.1111/hisn.12674
- Marino Carvalho, V. (2014) : Leaving Earth, Preserving History : Uses of the Future in the Mass Effect Series. Games and Culture, 10 (2) : 794-819 : 127-147 https://doi.org/10.1111/hisn.12674
economic history, logistics, military history, environmental history, Ireland
Henry E. Eccles (1962, 98) described logistics as “the bridge between the economy of the nation and the tactical operations of the combat forces.” The limitations faced by ancient societies in waging war were related to their capacity to produce, muster and transport resources in a timely fashion.