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Auteur : Giulia Marsili

Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte, 2
Bologna (Italia)

nuage de mots Marsili

Giulia Marsili is Research Fellow at the University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures.

  • 2014-2010: PhD in Byzantine History, University of Bologna.
  • 2012: advanced MA course, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis (Rome);
  • 2010: MA degree in Archaeology, University of Bologna, research field: Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology (110/110 with honours);
  • 2007: BA degree in Classics, University of Bologna, research field: Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology (110/110 with honours).
  • 2004: high school in Classical Studies, Rimini (100/100).

Archaeological projects and excavations

  • 2020-to date: member of the project “Insular Episcopate. Church, Maritime Environment, and Economic Life in the Eastern Aegean Islands (AD 300 – 800 ca.)”, funded by Gerda Henkel Stiftung, PI prof. S. Cosention (UNIBO), other project members: Isabella Baldini (University of Bologna), dr. Alkiviadis Ginalis (German Archaeological Institute, Istanbul);
  • 2020-to date: responsible for the interdisciplinary project “DIG-ITAL-PEN. Scan&matching for Cultural Heritage”, funded by UNIBO-Spin-Off projects;
  • 2020-to date: member of the international project “Europeana Storytelling Task Force” (https://pro.europeana.eu/project/europeana-as-a-powerful-platform-for-storytelling);
  • 2018-to date: member of the international project “Europeana Archaeology”, UNIBO local unit (funded by Connecting Europe Facility, Action n° 2018-EU-IA-0030);
  • 2015-to date: member of the project “Ravenna, via d’Azeglio excavations” (analysis of architectural decoration and amphoras, University of Bologna in collaboration with Archaeological Superintendence of Emilia-Romagna);
  • 2015-to date: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, St. Stephan ecclesiastical complex (University of Bologna, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese) https://site.unibo.it/kos-unibo/it;
  • 2006-to date: member of the archaeological mission in Gortyn, Crete, Mitropolis cathedral, (University of Bologna, Italian Archaeological School in Athens) https://site.unibo.it/mitropolis-unibo/it;
  • 2017-2020: member of the project: “Il potere dell’immagine e della parola. Elementi distintivi dell’aristocrazia femminile tra età tardoantica e bizantina”, funded by AlmaIdea grant, University of Bologna, team: prof. B. Girotti, dr. M. E. Pomero;
  • 2014-2020: member of the project “Ricerche sui santi dell’Apostoleion di Costantinopoli e sulla traslazione delle reliquie in Occidente (dalla tradizione letteraria ai dati storici e archeologici)” coordinated by CNR Roma, PI prof. L. Bianchi;
  • 2017-2019: technical coordinator of the international project “Byzart project – Byzantine Art and Archaeology on Europeana” (funded by Connecting Europe Facility-Europeana Generic Services, Action n°2016-EU-IA-0094, https://byzart.eu/);
  • 2015-2017: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, Kastro, catalogue of architectural marble items (University of Bologna, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese);
  • 2014-2016: responsible for the project “Sculture tardoantiche nella Raccolta Lercaro di Bologna”, funded by Fondazione Cardinale Giacomo Lercaro, Bologna;
  • 2014-2016: responsible for the project “Lasersoft for Cultural Heritage. Progettazione e sviluppo di un software per la gestione, lo studio e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-archeologico”, in collaboration with Lasersoft s.r.l., Rimini, funded by Camera di Commercio di Rimini;
  • 2010-2014: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, Western Bath district-Episcopal Complex (University of Bologna, Polytechnic of Bari, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese);
  • 2007-2011: member of the archaeological mission in Gortyn, Crete, Praetorium (La Sapienza University of Rome, University of Bologna, Polytechnic of Bari, Italian Archaeological School in Athens);
  • 2010-2011: participation in the international project “JEWELRY in CONTEXT” (Dipartimento di Archeologia, Università di Bologna; Aredat – Associació per la Recerca Estudi i Difusió en Antiguitat Tardana, Barcelona -; Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz);
  • 2007-2009: member of the archaeological mission in Kos, S. Gabriel Basilica (University of Bologna, Polytechnic of Bari, Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of Dodecanese);
  • 2008: participation in the archaeological researches in Reggio Emilia cathedral (Archaeological Superintendence Emilia-Romagna);
  • 2006: Bologna, urban archaeology (Archaeological Superintendence Emilia-Romagna);
  • 2005: member of the archaeological mission in Herculaneum, DHER (Domus Herculanensis Rationes project, University of Bologna).

Professional activities and collaborations

  • 2016-to date: coordination of a university lab for MA students about architectural stone artefacts in Late Antiquity (Bologna, Dep. History and Cultures);
  • 2014-to date: didactic activity for the chair of Early Christian and Medieval Archaeology, UNIBO;
  • 2019: organizing committee of the III international congress “Abitare nel Mediterraneo Tardoantico” (Bologna-Ravenna, 28-31 October 2019);
  • 2018-2019: scientific committee and organization of the exhibition: “The Silk and the Blood. Images of authority in Byzantine art and archaeology” (https://byzart.eu/exhibition/);
  • 2015-2016: scientific committee and organization of the exhibition “Città Cristiana, città di pietra. Itinerario alle origini della Chiesa di Bologna”;
  • 2015-2016: organizing committee of the II International Congress “Abitare nel Mediterraneo Tardoantico” (Bologna-Ravenna, 2-5 March 2016);
  • 2013: collaboration to the exhibition CLEOPATRA. Roma e l’Incantesimo d’Egitto” (Rome, ed. Gentili);
  • 2013: Padua University, collaboration project for pottery study, Gortys excavation;
  • 2011-2012: Vatican Museums, collaboration project for the study of Early-Medieval marble items from Vatican Museum deposits;
  • 2011: scientific committee and organization of the exhibition “L’avventura archeologica di Giuseppe Gerola dall’Egeo a Ravenna” (Ravenna: October 2011, Thessaloniki: March 2012, Rhodes: May 2012, Athens: September 2012).
  • 2010: participation in the project “Le vie del commercio: produzioni, merci, insediamenti tra Romania e Langobardia”, PI prof. P. Galetti, funded by Italian Ministry for University and Research (PRIN, 2007);
  • 2007: participation in the lab for archaeological documentation of Cattolica excavation (RN), Nuova Darsena (Istituto per i Beni Artistici Culturali Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna; Museo della Regina, Comune di Cattolica).

Scientific affiliations

  • 2014-to date: Associazione Internazionale di Studi Bizantini;
  • 2019-to date: Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones In Antiquity;
  • 2019-to date: Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’Edilizia abitativa nel Mediterraneo.

Editorial activity

  • 2020-to date: member of the editorial board of the Series “Ornamenta” (AnteQ
  • 2014-to date: referee for international journals: ARYS (Antigüedad: religiones y sociedades); Thiasos on line; Cartagine. Studi e ricerche; Journal of Roman Archaeology.


  • 2021: International Medieval Congress-University of Leeds, grant for participation as speaker;
  • 2020: University of Bologna, grant for Business Plan for the project “DIG-ITAL-PEN. Scan&matching for cultural heritage”;
  • 2016: first place in the contest “Premio Rotary Cultura e Patrimonio (distretto 2072)” with the project “App&GO!”, digital application for Byzantine archaeology;
  • 2015: granted by the Chamber of Commerce of Rimini for research project collaboration between University and SME;
  • 2011-2014: doctoral scholarship awarded by CEI for the project “La nuova Roma: come Roma fondata sugli apostoli. Fonti e dati per la conoscenza dell’Apostoleion di Bisanzio da Costantino a Costanzo I”, in cooperation with CNR, Rome;
  • July 2013: École Française d’Athènes, doctoral fellowship;
  • March-June 2013: Collège de France, Paris, Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, doctoral fellowship;
  • 2012: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Centre for Byzantine Research of Thessaloniki, doctoral fellowship;
  • 2011: 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, grant for participation;
  • 2009: Centre d’études byzantines neo-helleniques et sud-est européennes, Écoles des hautes études en science socials; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer School scholarship;
  • 2009: University of Bologna, Italian Archaeological School in Athens: scholarship for MA dissertation abroad;
  • 2007: University of Bologna, Italian Archaeological School in Athens: scholarship for BA dissertation abroad.

Le ricerche condotte dalla Soprintendenza Archeologica dell’Emilia Romagna tra il 1993 e il 1994 in via d’Azeglio, a Ravenna, hanno portato alla luce un ampio complesso residenziale, collocato nel quadrante nord-occidentale della maglia insediativa urbana. Il contesto indagato, composto da nuclei abitativi affacciati su un asse viario dotato di un sistema di smaltimento delle acque, rappresenta un unicum nel quadro delle indagini sul centro ravennate, sia per collocazione topografica che per sviluppo diacronico.
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