UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Auteur : Janka Istenič

Narodni muzej Slovenije,
Prešernova 20,
SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovénie)
Prešernova 20,
SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovénie)

The western part of present-day Slovenia belonged to Regio X of Italy in the Early Imperial Period and for the most part to the province of Venetia et Histriain the Late Roman period. It is a transitional area, crossed by the prehistoric Amber Route and later the viae publicae Aquileia–Emona–Carnuntum and Emona–Sirmium that connected the northern Adriatic with the central Danube Basin and the northern Balkans.