UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Auteur : Joe Sheppard

352 West 117th St.
Apt.2D br> New York NY 10026 br> USA

Joe Sheppard is a Roman social historian and archaeologist, with particular interests in epigraphy and numismatics. After studying at Victoria University of Wellington, he received a PhD in Classical Studies from Columbia University, and has taught at Baruch College (CUNY), Barnard College, and Washington University in St. Louis. In the field he is a member of the leadership team for the Columbia-Sapienza excavations in the Macchiozzo area of Villa Adriana (Tivoli) and at the Villa San Marco (Castellammare di Stabia).


Recent bibliography

  • 2023 : “G. N. Olcott and the didactic importance of ancient coin collections” in Academia & Trade, edd. S. Krmnicek, H. Rambach, co-authored with L. Carbone & A. Kmetz-Sheehy.
  • 2021 : “Guardians of the Threshold: the Image of the Gladiator and its Protective Function at Pompeii” in Pompeii: Materiality, Sensuality, and Lived Religion, ed. J. Hughes. Open Arts Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.5456/issn.2050-3679/2021s06
  • 2019 : “Shedding Light on Ludi in Pompeii” in Proceedings of the 2nd North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, edd. C. Noreña, N. Papazarkades. Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy.


acclamations, Pompeii, Nigidius Maius, gladiatorial games, munera, epigraphy, tituli piciti, consensus, communication

“Around the same time, from trivial beginnings arose a vicious bloodbath between the colonists of Nuceria and of Pompeii, at a gladiatorial spectacle produced by Livineius Regulus – whose expulsion from the senate I have already related.
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