UN@ est une plateforme d'édition de livres numériques pour les presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Auteur : Gabriele Giancane
University of Salento,
via per Arnesano,
I- 73100Lecce (Italia)
via per Arnesano,
I- 73100Lecce (Italia)

Gabriele Giancane graduated in Physics at the University of Lecce and in 2004 he won a PhD fellowship at the Innovation Engineering of the University of Lecce. During his PhD he spent 3 months in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory of Engineer School of Valladolid (Spain).
He obtained the PhD title in Engineer of Materials in 2008 (January), with the dissertation “Investigation of charge-transfer phenomena in fulleropyrrolidine-donor supramolecular systems”. In the same year, he won a fellowship for young researchers (C.O.S.T. Project and Regione Puglia) for a period in a foreign Institution and he worked for three months in the laboratories of Professor Dirk M. Guldi of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Since 2010, Gabriele Giancane works as permanent researcher at the Cultural Heritage Department of University of Lecce. The main research topic is related to the diagnosis of the conservation state of writing supports (such as paper, parchment, papyrus) and materials for pottery and sculptures, and to the analysis of the raw materials used to obtain the artifact by means of conservative methods (ATR-FTIR, Raman, UV-Vis, X-Rays).
Gabriele Giancane is co-author of 80 scientific. He is reviewer for many eminent scientific journals and it belongs to editorial board of Nanomaterials (MDPI).
Nella Puglia meridionale la facile disponibilità di argille adatte alla modellazione di forme ceramiche è elemento che nel corso dei secoli ha determinato lo sviluppo di un artigianato capace di produzioni destinate agli usi quotidiani ma anche di realizzazioni che si collocano in un ambito di pregio artistico.